General Information

Class webpage:

Instructor:     Prof. Doron Levy

Contact Information

  My office is on the third floor of the Math Building, room 3305.  
  Phone: 301-405-5140.  From any campus phone dial 55140.

Office Hours:   TTh 10

Grader:    Jialin Li,

Lecture Classroom:    MATH 0403

Lecture:   TTh 2-3:15

:  Sheldon Ross, A First Course in Probability, 9th edition.  The edition is not really important but homework will be predominantly assigned from the book, so if you have a different edition of the book, make sure that you solve the correct homework assignments.

Grading Policy: Homework 20%, each midterm 20%, final 40% 

HW Policy: Homework will be assigned on the web.  Homework is due in class.  Late homework will not be graded.  To avoid confusion, do not leave any homework in my mailbox, under the door, etc.  Such homework will not be graded. 

Makeup Policy: There will be no makeup exams. In case of a medical or family emergency, please contact me by email before the exam. In cases of a justified and documented absence (for a medical or family emergency - and I was contacted before the exam) the weight of the missed exam will be shifted to the final exam. 

Exams: There will be 2 midterm exams and one final exam.  All midterm exams will be held in class instead of a lecture.  If you have any conflicts with the assigned dates of the exams please contact me by email up to one week before the exam. The dates of the exams are:

  1. Midterm 1: Thursday, September 29 (in class, instead of lecture)
  2. Midterm 2: Thursday, November 3 (in class, instead of lecture)
  3. Final Exam: Saturday, December 17, 10:30-12:30 (in class)

Academic Integrity: All work that you submit must be your own.  You are welcomed to discuss the material with each other in a general way, but you may not consult any one else's written work, drafts, etc.  Any marked similarity in form or notation between submissions with different authors will be regarded as evidence of academic dishonesty so protect your work.   You must cite any reference you use and clearly mark any quotation or close paraphrase that you include.  Such citation will not lower your grade, although extensive quotation might.  Homework should be done individually.

Students with Disabilities: Students who require special examination conditions must register with the office of the Disabled Students Services (DSS).  Documentation must be provided and discussed with me within the first week of classes.  Paper forms must be filled out and provided before every exam.