Class Web Page for Math 411 Section 0101
Advanced Calculus
Spring 2015

Instructor Information

Course Information

Topics covered

I plan to cover Chapters 10-20 of text. I will possibly omit Chapter 12.

Exams and Grades

There will be two midterms held in class on dates which will be tentatively as follows.

Midterm 1 March 7
Midterm 2 April 20.

There will also be a final held in class at the date and time, Monday, May 16 at 8:00-10:00am listed on UMCP Standard Final Exam Table . The final will cover the sections of the text for which homework has been assigned over the course of the semester as well as sections 17.2 and 17.3, which have been discussed in class.

If you miss an exam due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, I will either give you a makeup exam or replace the missed exam grade with the unmissed exam. Which one I do depends on how many people miss the exam.

Course grades will be computed as follows.

Homework 20%
Midterms 40%
Final 40%


Homework will be assigned weekly and due on Wednesday's. It will be assigned on the homework web page linked here and at the top of this syllabus web page. Late homework will not be accepted but the lowest two homework grades will be dropped.

Classroom Etiquette

I want every student to feel free to questions in class. Without student questions, even ones that might sometimes seem silly, lectures can become very dry and monotonous. So questions and comments are more than welcome!

On the other hand, please be courteous to other students by paying attention to the lecture and not carrying on conversations with each other. These kind of private conversations can be distracting both to me and everyone else.

Please make sure that your cell phone does not ring during the lecture, and please do not use headphones. Please do not use laptops for anything not related to the class, and, if you do bring a laptop, please sit in the back so that your screen is not distracting to others.

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