DEwM was written when the current version of MATHEMATICA was 6. You are almost certainly using a more current version -- possibly 7 and more likely 8. Fortunately, there have not been many changes in the software that affect the commands and code relevant to this ode course. Unfortunately, there have been some. In the roster below is a description of relevant changes, arranged more or less in the order in which you will encounter them as you progress through the course. Additional entries will be made if/as new discrepancies are uncovered. In particular, if you discover any other changes or problems with the software that are not accounted for in the list below, please bring them to Dr. Lipsman's attention. Thank you.

It is also worth pointing out that the most important change in the newest version (i.e., 8) is the much more robust palettes that are available. More importantly, in addition to beefing up the symbols and operations that are available, MATHEMATICA now has inside the Basic Math Assistant palette, a roster of Basic Commands. You can now enter commands like DSolve, not only by typing them in the Command Window, but alternatively by clicking on a palette element. The philosophy is that you spend less time reading manuals like DEwM and more time experimenting on your own to learn the software system.